Continental Carbon Company
Our mission is to be a quality conscious, ethical, and preferred developer, manufacturer, and marketer of carbon products. The creation of shareholder value is inextricably linked to the ability to provide quality products, innovative technological solutions for specific applications, and on time delivery of goods and services.
Continental Carbon's team of scientists, engineers and technical support staff provide the foundation for the Company’s success and global presence in the carbon black marketplace. Continental Carbon opened its first carbon black plant in 1936 and followed with it's second facility in 1954. Continental Carbon added a pilot plant for developmental materials at the Sunray, Texas facility in the mid 1950’s in response to the U.S. government’s repeal of the WWII laws that allowed the complete free flow of technology and information for the development of synthetic rubber. In response to the re-institution of patent rights, Continental Carbon assembled a team of scientists, engineers, and carbon black operations personnel for the sole purpose of developing and patenting a unique reactor technology. With an eye on the future, we continuously improve our reactor and process technology to manufacture carbon blacks that meet today's demanding applications and tomorrow's ideas.
Continental Carbon's team of scientists, engineers and technical support staff provide the foundation for the Company’s success and global presence in the carbon black marketplace. Continental Carbon opened its first carbon black plant in 1936 and followed with it's second facility in 1954. Continental Carbon added a pilot plant for developmental materials at the Sunray, Texas facility in the mid 1950’s in response to the U.S. government’s repeal of the WWII laws that allowed the complete free flow of technology and information for the development of synthetic rubber. In response to the re-institution of patent rights, Continental Carbon assembled a team of scientists, engineers, and carbon black operations personnel for the sole purpose of developing and patenting a unique reactor technology. With an eye on the future, we continuously improve our reactor and process technology to manufacture carbon blacks that meet today's demanding applications and tomorrow's ideas.
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